Tag Archives: life cycle

The feelings you have when your friend nearly dies

My good friend nearly died last night* Thursday. His heart stopped on two separate occasions, and both times CPR and a defibrillator had to be used to restart his heart. So, one could argue the semantics about it and say he actually died twice.

He was coming out of surgery for a relatively routine, low-risk sort of elective procedure for his shoulder. That it turned into one of those medical dramas that you wish to only view on television is terrifying.

Continue reading The feelings you have when your friend nearly dies

Jeneral finds of the week: 2015-01-11

Good/interesting/provoking finds I’ve stumbled across this week: 2015-01-11

  • The phenomenon knowns as “Mommy brain” has some science behind it! An overview from The Atlantic. This seems apropos since I just wrote this post.
  • From the beginning of life to the end…this article (via my friend J who works in healthcare) is a good kickoff point to discuss with your loved ones what your views on a DNR for yourself would be, and theirs. I’m at a stage of life where I see my parents visibly aging, and it’s definitely sobering, but important, to discuss with them.
  • Rock climbing is not something I profess to know much about. Even so, this story about the current attempt by two professional climbers to free climb up Yosemite Park’s El Capitan is impressive. One man is arguably the best climber in the world (Tommy Caldwell). Both have been planning the route and training parts of it for the last 2 years. Hand holds are often little more than the thickness of a quarter. Caldwell’s partner Kevin Jorgeson was stuck at this one particular point, known to be the hardest pass on the whole wall, for a week! But while Caldwell could have continued on to ensure he made it to the top to claim the title of the first to complete the feat, he chose to wait for his friend. A great story of perseverance, will, teamwork, human achievement, and hopefully, glory.
  • Furniture Transformers! Living in a small semi-detached house with 4 family members, we’re always challenged in how to maximize our space. This cool murphy bed is one idea for how to combine an upstairs office and guest room. Now to start saving the money for transformable furniture…


<–last week’s findings